Gravel Rides Riding.
Gravel riding is basically riding on unpaved roads using tracks, trails and fire roads.
Our local Sherwood Pines forest park near Edwinstowe would be classed as a gravel riding area.
We are lucky around our area of Mansfield and Nottinghamshire to have many tracks and trails close by so Gravel Riding is very popular within MRC.
A typical Gravel bike need not be a specific bicycle, although the manufacturers would have you think so. The main requirements needed are good wide tyres with sturdy tread to handle the terrain you would be riding on.
A gravel bike is basically a road bike or hybrid bike with better tyres. You can of course buy higher spec gravel bikes made for the purpose with the tyres, suspension, disc brakes, electronic gears etc etc, which comes at a cost of course.
Why not try it out you will love it and of course the big advantage is no traffic!
Gravel Riding Rules
Choose a ride within your ability and experience. Gravel riding is more technical and more physically demanding than just spinning along on tarmac and requires a level of bike handling skills you may not have, so slow and steady until you have the confidence to improve.
There are many different levels of gravel terrain to ride on from the easy riding on fire roads or tracks and trails to the more technical surfaces that twist and turn or have obstacles to negotiate around.